

Keymanda for Fertilizers and Chemical Industries Factory is located in the second industrial area of the New Nubaria City. The factory includes the latest production and packing lines for liquid and powder fertilizers. The factory has been certified as complying with standards set forth by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and has also certificates for health and occupational safety. The factory includes a team of experts, engineers and consultants in the field of fertilizers manufacturing and packing. The highest quality control standards are applied to ensure the quality of the final product and to avoid any defects that may occur after the transfer from the manufacturing and storage processes. The factory is equipped with the latest technology to perform analyzes and modern steps in order to develop the manufacturing process. The factory includes a team of experts and researchers to reach the highest quality in the manufacture of fertilizers.

By increasing aeration, water holding capacity and nutrients, the products loose up compacted, hard pan and clay soils and release locked up nutrients. Soil conditioners can also raise or lower pH levels depending of what they are made of. Good soil for plants is usually comprised of 50% organic or inorganic material, 25% air space and 25% water space clay, hard pan and compacted soils lack the necessary space for air and water. Beneficial microorganisms make up a portion of the organic matter in good soil. Without proper air and water, many microorganisms can't survive.



Our products give the plant the necessary nutrients at every stage of its development. They are necessary in different proportions; for example, in the stage of vegetative growth, the plant needs NPK fertilizer with balanced elements and in the stage of flowering the plant needs NPK fertilizer that contains a high percentage of phosphorous, while in the post-harvest stage the plant needs NPK fertilizer that contains a high percentage of potassium. Most farmers around the world use NPK fertilizers as a soluble powder in the water. Also among the moderate forms of NPK fertilizers, there is the suspended form which features many advantages. The proportions of the necessary nutrients can be increased in this from of powder. You can also add some other materials that increases the ability of the plant to grow, such as plant growth regulators. Suspended fertilizers are basically semi-liquid fertilizers, so their solubility in water is 100%. No matter how bad the storage conditions are, the chemical or physical properties of the suspended NPK fertilizer are not significantly affected. All the previous advantages of NPK fertilizers are associated with the method of manufacturing and the quality of raw materials. That is why we have manufactured a group of powdered fertilizers under the name of Hyper and suspended ones under the name of SCORBE, in which we made sure to use the latest production methods. Moreover, we selected the best raw materials that can give the fertilizers the outstanding quality you can expect.



The most important micro nutrients for the plant are iron (Fe), Zink (Zn), manganese (Mn). A very little deficiency of one or more of these elements can result in plants diseases. Iron is necessary for photosynthesis and is present in plants as an enzyme cofactor. Iron deficiency can result in inter veinal chlorosis and necrosis. Iron is not a structural part of chlorophyll but it’s very essential for its synthesis. Copper deficiency can also lead to an iron deficiency. Zinc is required for the activity of a large number of enzymes and plays an essential role in DNA transcription. A typical symptom of zinc deficiency is the stunted growth of leave, commonly known as "little leaf" and is caused by the oxidative degradation of the growth hormone auxin. Manganese is necessary for photosynthesis, including the building of chloroplasts. Manganese deficiency may result in coloration abnormalities, such as discolored spots on the foliage. And one of the best form of micro nutrients in foliar applications is chelating form. Chelated compounds are more stable than non-chelated compounds. The most popular chelate used in agriculture are EDTA, Amino Acids.



The vegetative system of the plant is one of the most important components of the plant. The process of producing the necessary food for the plant is carried out by the leaves through the process of photosynthesis, and also the process of oxidation and reduction in addition to the transfer of the food from the leaves to the root and then the fruits take place. Therefore, paying good attention to the vegetative system ensures the continuity of its activity as well as the progress of the food formation. It ensures the plant’s resistance to pathogens, especially fungal diseases; therefore, we developed a special foliar fertilizer to stimulate the vegetative growth of the plant and used the finest raw materials in the manufacturing process to ensure the good health and strength of the vegetative group, which reflects positively on the health of the plant and ensures proper development of plants and increase crop yields with vigorous flowering and fruiting, thus increasing the overall productivity.

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